The Australian Sleep Experiment

Five years ago the Australian government abducted seven drunken yobbos and performed tests on them, these tests were recorded on files which were only recently uncovered. Here is the story they tell:

= Day: 01 =

We have captured seven drunken yobbos under the guise of a teddy bear undergoing a colonoscopy and are now proceeding to start the tests.
Said tests consist of locking the prisoners in separate rooms. These rooms will be pumped with a gas that will force anyone affected to becomeme resistant to Canadian pop star musicians. If the tests go well we could make a cure for bieber fever.

= Day: 02 =

All subjects appear to have no physical damage caused by the gas, our next stop is playing the music.
One of the subjects turned out to be American, the crocodiles are still at the corpse.

= Day: 03 =

As soon as we played the music one subject strangled himself to death with a lego brick. As for the other, they are still recovering, we think more gas should be pumped in.

= Day: 69 =


= Day: Apples =

The tests go well, however another subject has committed suicide by forcing a tire iron up his anus. The test has proven inconclusive and will be abolished tomorrow.

= Day: Whythefuckisthereapictureofsonicinthearmsoffoxydudewhattheflyingfuck =

The subjects, in a fit of rage, broke out of their cells and started attacking the staff. Most subjects got attacked by koalas, but one remained. The subject held a cinder block over his head, and then dropped it. Before he died he said "We are the wankas' of 'morrow mate!"
And then a skeleton appeared and ate everybody.